Role of Agni in Ayurveda:
Agni in Ayurveda: Ayurveda is a classical 5000 years old natural system of medicine which even in today’s time is...
Agni in Ayurveda: Ayurveda is a classical 5000 years old natural system of medicine which even in today’s time is...
Ashwagandha Trial for Covid-19 recovery: The government is promoting Ayurveda for Covid-19 recovery all over India and now has also...
Drinking Water as per Ayurveda: Water is an essential part of life and it is directly correlated with it. Life...
Introduce Ayurveda in Your Life: Today the time is different from when it was 3 to 4 years back. The...
Ayurvedic Tips to Improve Digestion- In the current scenario and corona epidemic, it is very important to take care of...
आयुष मंत्रालय ने एक पीयर-रिव्यूड मेडिकल जर्नल में एक अध्ययन में प्रकाशित होने के बाद गिलोय जड़ी बूटी और इसके...
What is Asthma ? Causes, Symptoms & Prevention Asthma and other respiratory-related problems are most common nowadays in which the...
Amazing Uses & Health Benefits of Neem Leaves Introduction of Neem (Azadirachta indica): Neem plants are extensively used in Ayurvedic...
Arjuna: Health Benefits of Arjuna & Uses Introduction about Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna): Arjuna plant is a well-known heart tonic, and...
Introduction About Punarnava: Health Benefits of Punarnava - Punarnava (Hogweed) means ‘bring back to life’ or ‘renewal.’ Punarnava plant grows...