Introduction – TB (Tuberculosis):
TB is a highly infectious disease usually caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria that primarily affects the lungs but can also affect other parts of the body. In some cases, infections show no symptoms, it is known as Latent Tuberculosis, and about 10% of latent infections progress to active disease, which, if left untreated, kills about half of those affected. Tuberculosis can quickly spread from one person to the next through the air when people who have active TB in their lungs spit, cough, sneeze or speak. These bacteria may infect any part of the body, but most commonly occurs in the lungs (known as pulmonary tuberculosis). The condition of extrapulmonary tuberculosis results when the bacteria affect outside of the lungs, although extrapulmonary tuberculosis may coexist with pulmonary TB – Take Ayurvedic Medicine for Tuberculosis to overcome its symptoms.
Causes of Tuberculosis:
A person who is already infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria, when cough, sneeze, talk with a near contact can release the bacteria into the surrounding air, and people breathing this air can become infected.
And once a person is infected through any contact, the bacteria will settle in the air sacs and passages of the lungs, but in most cases, it will be contained by the immune system and result in various symptoms.
Symptoms of Tuberculosis:
Generally, the infected people with the bacteria that cause TB don’t have symptoms, but when symptoms do occur, they usually include the following symptoms:
- Recurrent cough that lasts three or more weeks
- Unintentional weight loss
- Fatigue
- Fever
- Night sweats
- Indigestion
- Mild pain with breathing, or coughing
- Shortness of breath
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Loss of appetite
- General weakness, etc.
Risk Factors of Tuberculosis:
The following factors increase the risk of TB that latent disease will develop into active disease:
- Low-poverty people: People living in poverty often lack access to quality healthcare. They are more prone to have respiratory-related diseases, including Tuberculosis.
- HIV Infection: People who are suffered from HIV have to face many common infections due to their weak immune system and are at high risk of getting sick from other bacteria and viruses. It was observed in 2017, about 300,000 people with HIV Died of TB worldwide.
- Homelessness: People who are homeless often live in crowded conditions with little or no healthcare access and are more prone to get infections.
- Certain Medications: Continuous intake of corticosteroids or certain medication used for autoimmune or vasculitis diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, which suppress the immune system.
- Chronic Kidney Disease and Diabetes: If a person suffered from chronic illness like diabetes, liver problems, kidney problems, weaken your immune system, making it harder for the body to fight off TB.
- Organ Transplants: The drugs people take to prevent the rejection of an organ transplant can weaken the immune system and are more prone to get infections.
- Health-care worker: Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers get exposed to lots of patients regularly, in that case, they are also more likely to be close to someone with tuberculosis.
- Addiction to Smoking and Tobacco: Addiction to Smoking and Tobacco can increase your risk of getting TB and dying.
- Age Factor: The immune system can be more vulnerable when someone is very young or very old, and has a great risk of tuberculosis.
Ayurvedic Concept on Tuberculosis:
The concept of Rajayakshma has been identified since the Vedic period, around 2400 BC and Yakshma, the word, first appeared in the Vedas (Rigveda and Atharvaveda).
Synonyms of disease and history of Tuberculosis
यस्मात् स राज्ञः प्रागासीद्राजयक्ष्मा ततो मतः||११||
लब्ध्वा चतुर्विधं हेतुं समाविशति मानवान्||१२||
The most common Synonyms of TB are Krodha (rage), yakshma (sickness), jwara (fever), and roga (disease suffering).
Because it afflicted the king of stars, Chandrama, thus it is called Rajayakshma, or also known as the king of disease.
In the celestial world, this disease has been treated by Ashwin, has come down to the world of mortals (human beings). Here, it affects human beings after being triggered by a four-fold causative factor.
Four crucial causative factors of Tuberculosis
यक्ष्मणः कारणं विद्याच्चतुर्थं विषमाशनम्||१३||
- Sahasaja rajayakshma (Overexertion beyond one’s capacity)
- Vegasandharanaja rajayakshma(Suppression of natural urges)
- Kshayaja rajayakshma (Depletion of tissue elements)
- Vishamashanaja rajayakshma (Irregular dietary habits are the etiological factors of rajayakshma)
1. Sahasaja rajayakshma (due to overexertion beyond one’s capacity)
युद्धाध्ययनभाराध्वलङ्घनप्लवनादिभि…………….………एकादशभिरात्मज्ञो भजेत्तस्मान्न साहसम्||१९||
When a person works beyond one’s capacity indulges in excess battle, reading, weight-lifting, walking, jumping, swimming, falls down, gets injured, or exerts himself in any action beyond his strength or tolerance, leads to a chest injury and, aggravates the Vata dosha.
Further, imbalanced Vata dosha affects Pitta and Kapha dosha also. All these vitiated dosha, along with vayu, spread in all directions within the body (pradhavati) and cause multiple symptoms, with each symptom directly corresponding to the body’s particular part.
If the aggravated dosha enters the head region, it causes a headache, lack of concentration; if the throat, then irritation in the throat, cough, hoarseness of voice and anorexia; if the chest, then pains in both sides of the chest; if in the joints, then it results in swelling, pain, tenderness of the joints, other than this a patient suffer from mild fever, indigestion, weakness, etc.
Injury to the chest results in coughing that causes the patient to spit out phlegm along with blood. In that condition, the patient suffers from pulmonic changes, and the patient can experience unbearable pain in his chest.
2. Vegasandharanaja rajayakshma (due to suppression of natural urges)
ह्रीमत्त्वाद्वा घृणित्वाद्वा भयाद्वा वेगमागत……..……………..रूपाण्येकादशैतानि यक्ष्मा यैरुच्यते महान्||२३||
When a person suppresses the impelling urge to pass flatus, urine, or feces due to bashfulness or disgust or fear, Vayu gets imbalanced due to the obstruction of such urges, and further it imbalanced Kapha and Pitta dosha which moves upwards, obliquely and downwards within the body, causing the disorders having symptoms of all three doshas such as severe headache, cough, hoarseness of voice, anorexia, mild fever, pain in shoulders, body ache, frequent vomiting, and diarrhea, etc.
3. Kshayaja rajayakshma (due to depletion of tissues)
ईर्ष्योत्कण्ठाभयत्रासक्रोधशोकातिकर्शनात्……………………सम्प्राप्तं राजयक्ष्माणं क्षयात् प्राणक्षयप्रदम्||२७||
When a person does excessive anger, irritability, fever, terror, grief, excessive indulgence in sexual intercourse, and fasting, it leads to depletion of shukra and ojas in the body. Further, it provokes vata dosha which further aggravates the other two doshas Pitta and Kapha and results in multiple symptoms like mild fever, cough, continuous headache, loss of appetite, diarrhea, pain in flanks, changes in voice, feeling of warmth in shoulders, joints pain, etc.
4. Vishamashanaja rajayakshma (intake of irregular dietary habits)
विविधान्यन्नपानानि वैषम्येण समश्नतः……………………………रूपमेकादशविधं हेतुश्चोक्तश्चतुर्विधः||३२||
When a person takes irregular diets, prakriti-virudh diet, leads to an aggravation of the doshas and severe Amavisha disorders. The vitiated doshas obstruct the channels of blood and leading to various symptoms like excessive salivation, loss of appetite, cough, fever, tiredness, distress in the shoulder, headache, hoarseness of voice, blood in vomit, etc.
Premonitory Signs of Tuberculosis
पूर्वरूपं प्रतिश्यायो दौर्बल्यं दोषदर्शनम्|……………………………………प्राग्रूपं बहुरूपस्य तज्ज्ञेयं राजयक्ष्मणः|३८|
The premonitory symptoms of Rajayakshama are weakness, tiredness, nitpicking, morbid appearances on the body; feeling of disgust, loss of strength and flesh (despite consuming adequate food), craving for wine and meat, desire to be always covered by something (feeling of cold), imagined the feeling of one’s diet being infested with flies, insects, hairs, the rapid growth of and fingernails and hairs, feeling of being attacked by birds, wasps, and animals, seeing dreams of climbing heaps of hair, bones, and ashes, and dreaming of dried or withered ponds, mountains, and forests.
Pathogenesis of Tuberculosis
यथास्वेनोष्मणा पाकं शारीरा यान्ति धातवः|
स्रोतसा च यथास्वेन धातुः पुष्यति धातुतः||३९||
सर्वैरर्धैस्त्रिभिर्वाऽपि लिङ्गैर्मांसबलक्षये|
युक्तो वर्ज्यश्चिकित्स्यस्तु सर्वरूपोऽप्यतोऽन्यथा||४७||
Generally, the body’s dhatus get metabolized (being acted upon) by their own ushmas or dhatvagnis (transforming enzymes in the tissue elements). From this dhatus, (nutrient tissue elements), the next dhatus gets nourished through their respective srotas (circulation). (For example, rakta dhatu get nourished by rasa dhatu).
But, the condition of Rajayakshama occurs when the srotas are obstructed or if there is a diminution of dhatu-ushmas or dhatvagnis. In such situations, whatever food is digested in the gastrointestinal tract by jatharagni is mostly reduced to waste products and very little of it contributes to the formation of ojas (nourishment). Due to this, the patient is depleted of all tissue elements and strength.
This mainly occurs because of the obstruction to the srotas, rasa dhatu becomes vidagdha (improperly metabolized) in its own location i.e., heart and the aggravated rasa comes out through upper passages in different forms by way of coughing, change in voice, severe headache, pain in the shoulder areas, fever, etc, and results into Rajayakshama. Further, by the continuous aggravation of the dhoshas it obstructs the passage of srotas, due to this, rasa dhatu becomes vidagdha (improperly metabolized) in its location (heart) and this vitiated rasa comes out through the upper passages in different forms by way of coughing.
Therefore, the aggregation of dhatus and doshas results in the syndrome known as Rajayakshma. A person experiences cough, distress in the shoulder, mild fever, change of voice, intermittent headache, anorexia, etc.
Clinical Features of Tuberculosis
ज्वरः सर्वाङ्गगश्चेति लक्षणं राजयक्ष्मणः||५२||
The typical characteristics of rajayakshma include a feeling of warmth (or burning sensation) in the shoulders and flanks, burning sensation in hands, and feet, and raised temperature all over the body.
Home Remedies for Tuberculosis – Ayurvedic Medicine for Tuberculosis:
Ayurvedic Medicine for Tuberculosis – Home remedies play an important role as it works naturally to eliminate harmful toxins from the body and helps in rejuvenation of the cells and tissues. Below are some Natural and Easiest ways to overcome the symptoms of TB.
Garlic: Garlic acts as an antibacterial remedy that is very effective in inhibiting and half replicating the bacteria. It is also very beneficial in reducing cough, cold, congestion, and associated symptoms of TB.
How to use: Boil 20-30 grains of garlic with 150ml of milk and about 50ml of water. Make a thick concentrate out of it, filter it, and consume this excellent remedy twice daily for better relief.
Amla: Amla is a rich source of vitamin C, and is famous for boosting the functioning of the immune system naturally, improves the digestion power, enhances the defense mechanism of the body.
How to use: Take ½ teaspoon of amla powder once daily with normal water. Or take one or two fresh amla fruits daily.
Mint: Mint is loaded with several potential health benefits, due to this, mint leaves are very useful in managing gastrointestinal problems, soothing symptoms of common cold, cough, congestion, acts as an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory Ayurvedic Medicine for Tuberculosis is very effective to overcome the symptoms of tuberculosis and also prevent it from further spreading.
Ho to use: A person can prepare a fresh mint juice by combining 2 teaspoonfuls of pure malt vinegar and 2 teaspoonfuls of honey, along with carrot juice. Take this effective remedy twice or thrice daily for better results.
Moringa: Moringa plant is rich in oleic acid (58.88%), palmitic acid (26.16%), and glyceryl mono oleate (5.27%) that is found to be very effective against the bacteria and helps in the reduction of associated symptoms of TB.
How to use: Make a fine paste of drumstick leaves and pour to 1 glass of hot water, and add 1 teaspoon of black pepper, salt, and lemon juice in it. Take this wonderful remedy once daily in the morning.
Black Pepper: Black pepper is rich in a chemical known as Piperine that is very effective in reducing pain, swelling, congestion, clear the obstructed passage, improve breathing, work as a bronchodilator, and Ayurvedic Medicine for Tuberculosis is very effective to overcome the symptoms of tuberculosis and other respiratory-related infections.
How to use: A person can fry 9-10 black pepper seeds in clarified butter and add a pinch of Hing (asafoetida) to make it more effective. Let it cool and take this effective remedy thrice daily in equal portions.
Diet and Lifestyle Modifications:
A person can easily overcome their symptoms by making a mild change in their diet as well as lifestyle activities. Because it is essential to eliminate those things which can provoke the symptoms and increases the infections. Some common diet and lifestyle changes are mentioned below, by which a huge amount of symptoms can be reduced naturally.
- A person who suffered from TB or any Respiratory-related problems can consume (Ayurvedic Medicine for Tuberculosis) garlic, aged rice, wheat, pointed guard, dry ginger, black pepper, piper longum, aged ghee, goat’s milk, honey, barley, lukewarm water, bijora lemon, etc.
- Also, consume leafy, dark-colored greens like spinach and kale because it contains a high amount of iron and vitamin-B content.
- Avoid or reduce the intake of a Black gram, ladyfinger, potato, mustard, curd, banana, taro root, fast food, cold items, deep-fried food, freshly prepared ghee, gram flour, maize, buffalo’s milk, cold water, carbonated drinks, etc.
- Skip tobacco in all forms.
- Limit or decrease the intake of coffee and other caffeinated beverages.
- Avoid the consumption of pickles, tinned food, puddings, sausages, frozen foods.
- Decrease the intake of refined products, like sugar, white bread, and white rice.
- Avoid high-fat, high- cholesterol diet, red meat, and can include leaner protein sources like beans, tofu, fish, poultry, etc.
- Do some common Exercises or Yoga daily for about 30-40 minutes. A person can do Bhastrika Pranayama (bellows breath), it is very useful and effective yoga to control the symptoms of TB and improve lung’s health.
Ayurvedic Medicines that deal with Tuberculosis
Ayurvedic Medicine for Tuberculosis – Ayurveda starts by identifying a person’s body type, which identifies certain tendencies in your body to get sick. It uses body type to determine the likely root cause of your disorders. To deal with the Tuberculosis, take a natural and pure way to overcome its symptoms and prevent it from further spreading or complications.
There are numerous herbs available in Ayurveda that mainly meant to overcome the TB symptoms and improve the functioning of respiratory system. Ayurvedic Medicine for Tuberculosis – herbs like Vidarikand, Ashwagandha, Yashtimadhu, Guduchi, Eladi churna, Sitopladi churna, Mahalaxmivilasa rasa are mainly used from the many years because they acts as an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, bronchodilators, immune-boosting herbs and prevent a person from further complications.
Likewise, there are difficulties in finding organic herbs or medicines nowadays for an average person. To end this problem, ‘DEEP AYURVEDA’, is here for you who are famous for their 100% Pure, Authenticated, Natural, Organic, Result-oriented, and Extract-based herbal medicines. All the formulations are formulated by a team of Experts Ayurvedic Doctors by following the Ayurvedic guidelines and take references from the Ayurvedic texts. The medications are developed after various clinical trials and are safe for every individual.
Some effective medicines for Tuberculosis are mentioned-below:
Curcumin Herbal Capsule:
Curcumin capsule is a 100% extract-based formulation that acts as an anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, antiseptic, antioxidant, anti-microbial thus work amazingly in the infectious condition and reduces inflammation, clears the obstructed passage, eliminates excess toxins from the body, enhances the immune system and provide multiple health benefits to an individual.
Other than this, the Curcumin capsule is thought to have many medicinal properties, including strengthening the body’s overall energy, improving digestion, detoxifying the blood, and balancing excess Kapha in the mind-body system.
Swasani Herbal Capsule:
This capsule comprises pure, authenticated, natural herbs that are mainly deal with all the respiratory-related problems. This works amazingly in conditions like cold, cough, breathlessness, chest pain, allergic sinusitis, throat infections, etc. However, it is very useful in clearing the obstructed passage and allow a person to breathe freely.
The capsule is blended with shirish, kanthkari, bharangi, annatmool, yashtimadhu, dalchini, tulsi, etc, that are mentioned in the Ayurvedic texts to deal with all the respiratory-related disorders. The herbs act as an expectorant, antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral properties, detoxifying the lungs, and relieving cough, cold, and congestion.
Giloy Herbal Capsule:
Giloy is known as a powerhouse of antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals and reduce inflammation. Giloy Herbal Capsule is a 100% extract-based formulation that is very effective in boosting immunity, purification of blood, flushes out harmful toxins from deep tissues, fight against harmful bacteria and viruses effectively, help in tracking respiratory problems like cough, cold, breathing problems, etc.
Its adaptogenic properties help reduce stress, anxiety, calm down the mind, boost memory power, and concentrate. Also, it is very effective in improving the digestive system and eases bowel movements.
Swasani Ayurvedic Cough Syrup:
This formulation is made up of 100% pure, natural, organic, authenticated herbs that make an overall solution for all the respiration-related problems. This formulation is clinically tested and has a positive result to overcome the symptoms of TB. A regular intake of Swasini Herbal Syrup improves the immune system’s functioning and prevents a person from seasonal cold, cough, flu, and other ailments. It effectively reduces congestion, inflammation, acts as an expectorant that eliminates excess mucus and toxins from the respiratory tract, and allows a person to breathe freely.
Herbal Powder Formulation:
This is a mixture of some Classical herbs used from ancient times to relieve all the respiratory-related problems by the Ayurvedic Acharyas. This formulation works as an expectorant, immunomodulatory, pacifies Kapha dosha, clears the obstructed channels, and relieves associated symptoms of tuberculosis.
Generally, in the initial stages, patients follow Allopathic or other pathies to deal with TB because they think that they can be cured by taking strong medicines in that stage. Still, they didn’t have an idea that by the continuous intake of steroids or chemical-based medicines, it can be lead to further damage to lungs, liver, kidneys, and other organs. Those medicines only suppress the symptoms for a short time and result in various complications in the future.
In tuberculosis, the immune system of the patient is already weak and by the continuation of high doses of steroidal medicines, a patient can suffer from upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, tingling sensation in the hands or feet, discoloration of the skin, rashes appeared on the skin, etc.
And when the medicines get resistant to patients, it will lead to severe and serious condition, also it can lead to death.
So, to get rid of symptoms, and such complications it is much better to take Ayurvedic Medicine for Tuberculosis – natural herbs and follow Ayurveda’s path because Ayurveda consists of many herbs that are well-written in the Ayurvedic texts and are proved to overcome the symptoms of Respiratory-related problems.