Ayurvedic Treatment of Leucoderma:
Ayurvedic Treatment of Leucoderma – Introduction:- Leucoderma in other term known as ‘Vitiligo’, and is described as a skin disorder that is characterized by the appearance of discolored patches on different parts of the body. In other pathies, it may be reduced once but the chances of reoccurrence are more, while by using Ayurvedic treatment of Leucoderma, it cures of its root cause and thus no chance of reoccurrence.
This condition mainly occurs as a result of the poor functioning of melanocytes, cells that produce melanin. Melanin present in the body that is responsible for the pigmentation of your skin. In the condition of leucoderma, melanocytes are destroyed, and this disturbs melanin production. Approx 0.5 percent and 2.0 percent of the global population is affected by this condition.
Causes of Leucoderma:
The condition occurs when pigment-producing cells, also called melanocytes to die or stop producing melanin (the pigment that gives your skin, hair, and eyes color). Due to this, the involved patches of skin become lighter or white. Vitiligo is associated with other inflammatory and auto-immune diseases such as Diabetes, Thyroid, Psoriasis, and Pernicious anemia. But, it unclear exactly what causes these pigment cells to fail or die. It may be related to:
- In the Autoimmune condition (a disorder of the immune system)
- Hereditary (family history)
- Severe sunburn
- Contact with harmful chemicals.
Types of Leucoderma:
Depending on the area affected, it may be divided into:
- Universal Vitiligo: It affects nearly all the skin surfaces.
- Generalized Vitiligo: It is the most common type and affects many parts of the body and patches may occur symmetrically.
- Segmental Vitiligo: This type tends to occur at a younger age and appears only one side or part of your body.
- Localized Vitiligo: It appears at a particular or only a few areas of your body.
- Acrofacial Vitiligo: In this, the skin of the face, hands are affected, and around body openings, such as the eyes, nose, and ears.
Risk Factors of Leucoderma:
Common risk factors are given below:
- This condition can occur at any age, but many people develop it in their twenties.
- The disorder mainly affects all races and both sexes equally, however, it is more noticeable in people with dark skin.
- People with certain chronic or autoimmune diseases (such as hyperthyroidism) are more likely to get vitiligo than people who don’t have any autoimmune diseases.
- Parents who have this disorder, their children are more likely to develop vitiligo.
Symptoms of Leucoderma:
A person suffering from Leucoderma should experience the following symptoms:
- The biggest symptom is light or depigmented spots appearing on the skin
- Premature graying or whitening of hairs
- Turning of eyelashes or eyebrows in white
- Color changes of the retina
- Loss of color in the nose and mouth.
Ayurvedic Point of View on Leucoderma:
In Ayurvedic literature, Leucoderma is named as ‘Shwitra’ or ‘Shveta Kusth’ while classifying Kusth in its eighteen main types. In Ayurveda, Shwitra roga is a Tridoshaj vyadhi, which means that it is caused by a vitiation of all 3 doshas together, but the aggravation of Pitta Dosha is more as compared to the other ones.
This condition can be cured with the Ayurvedic treatment of Leucoderma from its root cause because Ayurvedic Acharyas explained some herbs in the texts that work amazingly to restore the normal skin by pacifying the aggravated doshas.
Causes of Leucoderma According to Ayurveda:
According to the Ayurveda, common causes are:
- Intake of sour, sweet, salt, and pungent food excessively (ati amla, lavan, katu, madhura rasa sevana)
- Heavy intake of fresh grains, curd, and fish (navana, dadhi, matsya bhakshan)
- Continuous intake of mutually contradictory food, and drinks which are liquid, unctuous, and heavy (virudh ahara)
- Suppression of natural urges (chardi vega dharana)
- Excess intake of food (atibhojana)
- Drinking a glass of milk after eating green leafy vegetables or with sour substances
- After taking heavy meals, the performance of physical exercise in excessive heat
- Use of cold or chilled water immediately after exposure to sun, exertion, or exposure to frightening situations
- Intake of uncooked food
- Untruthfulness, ungratefulness, or insult of preceptors, sinful acts (vipra-guru gharshana)
Symptoms of Leucoderma According to Ayurveda:
The most common symptoms of Leucoderma are:
- Absence or excessive perspiration
- Discoloration of patches in the skin
- Mental fatigue
- Pricking pain, itchiness in patches.
Types of Leucoderma according to Ayurveda: Ayurvedic Acharyas described the types of leucoderma on the basis of Dhatu and Doshas.
Types According to the Vitiation of Dhatu:
- Daruna: It occurs when doshas vitiates the rakta dhatu (blood), and patches will be red.
- Aruna: When imbalance doshas vitiates the mamsa dhatu (muscle tissue), the patches will be coppery.
- Kilasa: This is the most common type and it occurs when doshas vitiate the medho dhatu (fat tissue), the patches will be white.
Types According to The Vitiation of Doshas:
- Vataja: In this type, a person can experience the non-discharging skin lesions, often possess rough surface, dry in nature, and red.
- Pittaja: This type contains loss of hair follicles with the burning sensation, and the patch will appear in the color of lotus (coppery).
- Kaphaja: This mainly occurs and a person is suffered from white, dense, heavy patches associated with itching.
Pathogenesis of Leucoderma According to the Ayurveda:
In Ayurvedic texts, Leucoderma is referred to as Shwetakushta, Switra, or Kilasa and is classified into Kushta rogas (skin diseases).
According to the Ayurvedic Acharyas, it mainly caused by the imbalance of all the three doshas (Vata, Pitta & Kapha) along with vitiating Rakta, Mamsa, and Medhas Dhatus.
Due to regular intake of above-said reasons, all the three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are aggravated in association with skin (twak), blood (rakta), muscles (mamsa), and watery element (udaka).
Pitta dosha is of five types, one of them is being the Bhrajak pitta which is responsible for the coloration of the skin. Any disturbance in the functioning of bhrajak pitta leads to the formation of skin diseases. Shwitra kushtha more occur if lymph (rasa) and blood (rakta) are significantly involved.
But if a person takes Ayurvedic treatment of Leucoderma from the initial stage, it is very beneficial for them because, in that stage, the aggravations of doshas are less and hence can be balanced with the natural and pure Ayurvedic herbs.
Diet and Lifestyle Modifications for Leucoderma:
To control the severity of leucoderma, the first line of management is to detox our system. Along with Ayurvedic treatment of Leucoderma, it is a responsibility of a person to prevent further accumulation of harmful toxins in our system through a healthy diet, lifestyle, yoga, and exercises.
So, a person who suffered from leucoderma should adopt some common precautions by which a body has the capacity to deal with various problems in day-to-day life.
- Foods that irritate your digestive tract cause sensitivity or discomfort, it is better to avoid those things. Foods that severe the condition of leucoderma are: meat, tomatoes, pickles, citrus fruits, fish, grapes, artificial sweeteners, carbonated drinks, packed fruit juice, processed foods, etc.
- Increase the intake of dates, nuts, figs, lentils, almonds, green leafy vegetables, carrots, walnuts, bitter guard, drumsticks, radish, mushrooms, raw dairy, etc.
- Decrease the amount of food that is difficult to digest along with sour taste, excessive salt, curd, fish, jaggery, and sesame seeds.
- Have a good, sound, and adequate sleep daily as it makes your mind and body refresh.
- Avoid unnecessary exposure to excessive cold and hot weather conditions.
- Decrease the intake of beverages i.e. tea, coffee, alcohol, etc.
- Maintain your personal hygiene.
- Drink plenty of water, coconut water, or fresh juices to maintain the pH balance.
- Yoga, exercises, and Asans help in rejuvenation of the cells and remove away the dead cells from the skin. This also regulates the production of the hormone. A person can perform common techniques like: Medication, Nadishodhana Pranayama, Bharamari Pranayama, Sitkari Pranayama, Kapalbhati, Padmasana, Sidshasana, etc.
Home Remedies for Leucoderma:
A person can also use some common natural ways along with the Ayurvedic treatment of Leucoderma to cure this condition of its root cause and also help in keeping the doshas in a balanced state.
Some common home remedies are given below:
Neem oil: Neem contains anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and other medicinal properties by which it can use for various purposes. The immunomodulatory effects of neem extract help in the reduction of the occurrence of white patches on your skin.
How to use: You can take a few drops of the neem oil on a cotton pad and rub it on the patches, then wash it after 30 minutes. Do this procedure once daily.
Or, take a neem powder of two to three grams, mix it with honey and take it once daily.
Turmeric: Turmeric is a very effective home remedy to cure this condition. It contains curcumin, an important antioxidant, an anti-inflammatory compound that may work wonder in relieving effect on leucoderma.
How to use: Take 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder, and mustard oil. Then, make a paste of both the ingredients and apply the mixture over the patches and leave it. Wash it after 30 minutes and repeat this procedure 3-4 times a week.
Pomegranate: In researches, it was proved that the leaves of pomegranate are rich sources of bioactive compounds that can help to reduce the effect of vitiligo.
How to use: Take about 10 clean pomegranate leaves and let them sundry. Grind the dried leaves, and convert it in fine powder. Take these remedy 8 grams every day with normal water.
Black Cumin: Black cumin acts as anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidants and its oil contain a bioactive compound called thymoquinone which possibly treats the symptoms of vitiligo.
How to use: Take 1 teaspoon of black cumin seed oil and place it on a cotton pad. Rub gently on the white patches and wash off after half an hour. Do this procedure for about 2-3 months.
Leucoderma Treatment in Ayurveda:
Ayurvedic treatment of leucoderma not only involves treating the white patch and other associated symptoms itself but also treating the underlying causes of the disease, ensuring that it does not recur. Ayurvedic medicines work by stopping the spread of the white patch, and then start working on curing the disease of its root cause. There are numerous herbs available in Ayurveda that are widely used to cure this condition.
The Doctors team of ‘Deep Ayurveda’ treats a number of patients having skin problems including Leucoderma. After many clinical trials, they launched ‘Leucoderma Care Pack‘, which is used by many patients and having positive results. The package is consisting of a total of seven Ayurvedic products: Livclear capsule, Neem capsule, Triyog capsule, herbal powder formulation, and Skincare capsule. The medicines are made up of pure and natural herbs and followed the Ayurvedic guidelines. All the products are safe, free from chemicals, steroids, flavoring agents, adulterations, side effects, and complications.
Brief Descriptions of Medicines Are Given Below:
Livclear Capsule:
All skin diseases occur due to improper functioning of the liver. Livclear capsule is formed of 100% extracts of the natural herbs like kalmegh, makoy, katuki, punarnava, sharpunkha, giloy, etc, that detoxifies the liver and help in the rejuvenation of the cells, thus supports the normal functioning of the liver organ.
Neem Capsule:
Neem is one of the most common and useful herb works wonder to cure all skin problems. It contains anti-oxidants, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory properties that help in purification of blood and balance the aggravated doshas in the body.
Triyog Capsule:
The capsule is made up of Ayurveda’s best herbs: Amalaki, Haritaki, and Vibhitaki. This combination is used to cure many diseases because it is the perfect medicine that eliminates excess toxins from the body and helps in the proper functioning of all the organs.
Herbal Powder Formulation:
This composition is made by several classical herbs that are mentioned in Ayurveda texts to cure the leucoderma. By the use of this medicine, the patient will recover very soon and also, it rejuvenates the skin, and makes it glowing and healthy.
Twakdetox-Skin Care Capsule:
The capsule is widely used to treat skin infections because it contains tridoshaja pacifying ingredients that help in balance the aggravated doshas and prevent the skin from various infections.
In Other pathies, they just gave chemical-based ointments, suggest surgery, light treatment, unconventional treatment, and so on, but didn’t work on the root cause. People take a huge amount of steroids but there is no result.
Even some people suffered from allergies, rashes, overweight, digestion -related problems, and various other side-effects by the continuous uses of chemical-based and steroids medicines.
It is very important to understand the root cause of the disease and work on it. Only the Ayurvedic field has the capacity to diagnose from the root cause and cure it properly. It is better to take Ayurvedic treatment of Leucoderma to stay away from harmful and toxic chemicals.