Ayurvedic Treatment of Arthritis
Ayurvedic Treatment of Arthritis – Arthritis is a term used to describe any disorder that affects joints. A joint is termed as an area where two bones meet. Scientifically inflammation or degeneration of one or more joints in the human body is called Arthritis. It affects around 15% of people i.e. over 180 million people in India.
It occurs in different forms, but the most common and frequent is being Rheumatoid arthritis and Osteoarthritis.
- Osteoarthritis – It is a degenerative disorder that usually occurs in the older age-group and mainly affects the knee joints.
- Rheumatoid arthritis – It is a serious and chronic disease that affects not only the joints of the knees, hips, wrists, fingers, but also the tendons, muscles, and other tissues of the body.
Arthritis Causes
Cartilage is a firm but flexible connective tissue present in our joints. It main works are to protect the joints by absorbing the pressure and shock created by you. But, when there is a reduction of cartilage tissue, it causes Arthritis.
Later on, Cartilage cushions allow nearly frictionless joint motion, but enough damage can result in bone grinding, which causes pain and restricted movement in joints. This wear & tear can occur over many years, or it can also be caused by joint injury or infection.
- Risk factors – Every individual can effect from arthritis if they adopt the wrong diet and lifestyle, but some conditions are more prone, which of them are –
- Age – Increases with age, the risk of many types of arthritis, including gout, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, also increases.
- Obesity – People with obesity have a higher risk of developing arthritis because they put excess pounds or weight on joints, particularly on knees, hips, and spine.
- Previous joint injury – People who had injured a joint previously are more likely to develop arthritis.
- Gender – It was noticed that Women are more likely than men to develop rheumatoid arthritis, while in men, gout is the most common type of arthritis.
- Family history – Some types of arthritis run in families, those people whose parents, siblings are suffered from any type of arthritis are at great risk. Your genes can make you more susceptible to environmental factors that may trigger arthritis.
- Smoking – Those persons who are addicted to smoking, have more chances to develop arthritis because it is linked to the progression and severity of arthritis. Nicotine decreases blood flow to bones, tissues, and results in the weakness of joints and increased possibility of suffering from arthritis.
- Occupation – Certain occupations that involve repetitive squatting and knee bending are associated with osteoarthritis of hip and knee joints.
- Infection – Many microbial agents can infect the joints and potentially cause the development of various types of arthritis.
Arthritis Types – Common types of arthritis are:
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Gout
- Osteoarthritis
- Reactive arthritis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Thumb arthritis
- Psoriatic arthritis
- Juvenile arthritis
Arthritis Symptoms – Arthritis is a long-term and chronic disease which includes various symptoms, such as:
- Stiffness, tenderness in joints
- Whole-body fatigue or malaise
- Bump on the finger or bony outgrowth in fingers or toes
- Intermittent or sharp pain
- Decreased range of motion, difficulty in walking, standing, sitting, muscle weakness
- Redness, swelling in joints
- Physical deformity
Ayurveda Point of View for Ayurvedic Treatment of Arthritis:
According to Ayurveda, almost all arthritis diseases are formed due to Ama (undigested food). Ama is the immature nutritional essence formed in the stomach due to improper digestion (agnimandhya and ajeerna). This essence goes into circulation in an unprocessed and immature form. Hence, it is immature, the tissues can take it but cannot metabolize properly due to lack of identification. Therefore, the undigested food stored in the cells and can’t be flushed out from the body. Ama is sticky in nature and blocks all the channels in the body. This will results in the imbalance of the Vata and other Doshas, and it depletes the nutrition and essential materials to the tissues, and organs. As a result there is multiple tissue damage and a wide range of diseases are manifested.
Pathophysiology for Ayurvedic Treatment of Arthritis:
When there is an obstruction in the channels, Vata is not able to move all over the body and gets accumulated in a particular area. Ama take place in joints, join with the Vata dosha and causes pain, stiffness, tenderness, etc., in related to joints.The ama on further vitiation by Vata and Kapha enters the circulation and later gets associated with Pitta. This gives the combination of corrosive nature and tend to destroy the tissue and organ with which they come into contact. The vitiated Ama and Vata get accumulated in various joints, mainly in the low back pain, pelvis, and hips and cause stiffness of the body along with severe pain.
Arthritis Causes:
According to the concept of Ayurveda, the following causes are responsible –
- Mutually incompatible foods (viruddha ahara),
- Unwholesome lifestyle practices (viruddha chesta),
- Having a low metabolism and sluggish digestion for a longer period,
- Sedentary life activities,
- Consuming uncutuous, oily, and high caloric food.
Arthritis Symptoms:
Initially, the symptoms appear like indigestion, loss of appetite, etc., but later on the worst symptoms appears, like:
- Pain in body parts, general body ache (angamarda)
- Anorexia, tastelessness (aruchi)
- Aever (jwara)
- Weakness (daurbalya)
- Lethargy (alasya)
- Swelling of the joints (shunata)
- Heaviness of the body (gauravatta)
Pain in the joints of hands, foot, head and neck region, ankle, knee, etc.
Ayurvedic Natural Treatment of Arthritis:
Ayurveda consists of various anti-inflammatory, analgesics, anti-oxidant herbs and some of the are suggest that can relieve any kind of joint pain. The herbs used for the treatment of joints are mainly Vata-Kapha pacifiers. They eliminate excess amount of toxins from the body and therefore reduces swelling, pain, tenderness, etc., and helps in proper circulation of the blood.
Here, Our Ayurveda Expert suggested some best natural treatment for arthritis and herbal supplement for arthritis which are enriched with multiple herb’s extracts and free from adulteration, chemicals, and any kind of preservative. These ayurvedic medicines and supplements manufactured by India’s renowned Ayurveda Company ” Deep Ayurveda”, Well known for authentic Ayurveda & Herbal Products manufacturing & Ayurvedic Treatment not only in India but also well-known Ayurveda brand in USA, Europe, and Australia. These ayurvedic supplement details are : Arthro herbal capsules, Livclear capsules, Virog Powder or tablet, Singnad guggal, Shallaki capsules and Arthro Ayurvedic oil. Brief detail of this Natural Treatment of Arthritis, ayurvedic medicines & herbal supplement are given below –
- Arthro Herbal Capsule – This capsule is mainly made to cure all the types of arthritis. Arthro help in reducing inflammation, swelling, redness, tenderness, and other symptoms. Additionally, it provides strength to the bones and muscles. Arthro is made up of methi, hadjod, ashwagandha, punarnava, shunthi, etc., which cure arthritis naturally.
- Shallaki Capsules – It is well known to keep the joints strong and relieve from any kind of pain and widely used by the Ayurvedic Physicians all over the world. Shallaki works as an excellent substitute to modern-day pain killers. The herb is also free from sugar, colors, chemicals, or any unhealthy composition.
- Arthro Ayurvedic Oil – The oil is composed of different natural herbs that provide quick relief from body ache, joint pain, muscular pain, etc. The oil is made up of devdaru, arandmool, ark, ashwagandha, vasa, jatamansi, etc. that acts as anti-inflammatory, analgesics, anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, etc. Additionally, the oil can also be used in a case of fractures, and joint dislocation.
- Virog Tablets – It is very important to expel out the excess toxins from the body, Virog tablet works wonderful in that condition. It help in maintaining the proper metabolism and balance all the aggravated doshas.
- Livclear Herbal Capsules – Livclear capsule is a multi-functional medicine which works as hepatoprotective, reduced inflammation, improves liver function, restores liver function, improves digestion and help in maintaining a proper health. The capsule is composed of different herbs like giloy, neem, kaaani, kal megh, punarnava, etc., which shows wonderful effects in curing arthritis.
- Singnad Guggal – This medicines is widely used to cure the Vata disorders. It has purgative action, which helps in detoxification of the body and increases toxin elimination. Singnad guggal is widely used to cure joint pains, stiffness, swelling, and other associated symptoms of arthritis.
Home Remedies which are very good for the Natural Treatment of Arthritis – A person can also apply the home remedies to get rid of pain, swelling, tenderness, etc. As these remedies are easily available and can be used by every individual.
Ginger – In Ayurveda, ginger is well-known for its antiseptic properties that helps in providing relief from pain and swelling. Hence, it also helps to increase blood circulation, which brings heat and healing properties to the affected area. It’s work as a best Natural Treatment of Arthritis
How to use – A person who suffers from redness, swelling, tenderness in joints will drink a cup of ginger tea daily, or apply the ginger paste over the joints and wash it off after lukewarm water.
Ajwain – Ajwain is a natural aid in proving relief from the symptoms of arthritis due to the presence of anti-inflammatory components. It helps in the reduction of swelling, redness, pain, and other symptoms.
How to use – Add a teaspoonful of ajwain in a tub of hot water and soak your aching or affected joints in the water for 10-15 minutes.
Another way is to crush the seeds and add small water of water to make a paste. Apply it on the affected areas to alleviate the pain.
Nirgundi – Nirgundi is again a very good herb for Natural Treatment of Arthritis, It contains anti-inflammatory, anti-convulsing, anti-oxidant properties that help the joints in many ways. It is widely used in reducing pain, swelling, tenderness, etc.
How to use – You can use the Nirgundi oil and can apply in the night, or make a thin paste of the leaves and apply over the affected areas.
Diet and Lifestyle Modifications:
- Healthy diet & lifestyle – Eat lots of fresh fruits & vegetables in your diet and stick to low–fat, low-calorie foods. Eat a well-balanced diet that includes vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients.
- Exercise – Do some normal exercises and yoga for about 30-40 minutes.
- Manage your weight – Obese people are more prone to suffer various symptoms of arthritis, even a few extra pounds of weight can worsen arthritis pain and tenderness. So, it is very important to keep your body weight in track.
- Avoid Alcohol and other addiction – The harmful chemicals present in these types of products worsen the symptoms and make the condition more severe. It’s better to eliminate such harmful things from your life.
- Foods that contain a high amount of omega-3 fats are shown in the reduction of inflammation and other symptoms of arthritis. Increase the intake of walnuts, margarine, eggs, flaxseed oil, oily fish such as sardines and salmon.
- Drink plenty of water and other useful juices regularly.
- Include adequate dietary calcium to reduce the risk of osteoporosis in later life.
Statutory warning: Self-medication can be very dangerous. Always use ayurvedic medicine under the strict supervision of an ayurvedic doctor.
If you looking for the best Natural Treatment of Arthritis? Our Ayurveda experts are ready to help you. Contact us now